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Mary McGregor LCSW

Bessel van der Kolk MD
The Trauma Institute

Babette Rothschild
The Body Remembers: Somatic Trauma Therapy

Bruce Perry MD
ChildTrauma Academy

Judith Herman MD
Trauma & Recovery

Onno von der Haart PhD
Structural Dissociation

Anna M. Gomez
EMDR with Children & Sandtray

Laurel Parnell PhD
Attachment-Focused EMDR

Francine Shapiro PhD
Founder, The EMDR Institute

Tara Brach PhD
Radical Acceptance Mindfulness Meditation

Kristin Neff PhD

Brené Brown PhD
The Gifts of Imperfection

Dan Siegel MD
Interpersonal Neurobiology

Janina Fisher PhD
Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma

Sebern Fisher
Neurofeedback for Developmental Trauma

Daniel Amen MD

Efrat Ginot PhD
The Neuropsychology of the Unconcious
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